all postcodes in SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District

SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 1SQ 4 3 52.708015 -2.754268
SY1 1SS 1 1 52.707883 -2.753732
SY1 1ST 17 12 52.707034 -2.752904
SY1 1SX 5 0 52.706969 -2.753243
SY1 1SY 4 1 52.706824 -2.752928
SY1 1SZ 15 7 52.706575 -2.752553
SY1 1TE 33 7 52.705616 -2.754004
SY1 1TH 5 0 52.70504 -2.755445
SY1 1TN 3 1 52.705168 -2.755136
SY1 1TP 3 1 52.706012 -2.751051
SY1 1TQ 5 0 52.705336 -2.755598
SY1 1TR 2 0 52.704611 -2.755953
SY1 1TS 3 3 52.704867 -2.754465
SY1 1TT 4 1 52.705743 -2.751769
SY1 1TU 1 0 52.705771 -2.751681
SY1 1TW 10 1 52.705761 -2.7567
SY1 1TX 4 2 52.705793 -2.751595
SY1 1TY 1 1 52.705237 -2.751408
SY1 1TZ 14 2 52.705868 -2.750513
SY1 1UA 5 0 52.705938 -2.75142