all postcodes in TD1 / GALASHIELS

find any address or company within the TD1 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 1LL 49 0 55.616082 -2.815507
TD1 1LN 35 0 55.615907 -2.816186
TD1 1LP 26 0 55.616711 -2.820982
TD1 1LR 4 0 55.615988 -2.825587
TD1 1LS 17 0 55.616717 -2.822712
TD1 1LT 41 0 55.616188 -2.82386
TD1 1LU 9 0 55.616765 -2.819538
TD1 1LW 20 0 55.616089 -2.818571
TD1 1LX 42 0 55.616901 -2.818064
TD1 1LY 25 0 55.617411 -2.81979
TD1 1LZ 7 0 55.617588 -2.821556
TD1 1NA 5 0 55.618474 -2.821971
TD1 1NB 8 0 55.620152 -2.823642
TD1 1ND 8 0 55.619577 -2.822312
TD1 1NE 19 1 55.619475 -2.82285
TD1 1NF 9 1 55.617925 -2.81953
TD1 1NH 16 0 55.618511 -2.816431
TD1 1NJ 15 1 55.619341 -2.81715
TD1 1NL 7 0 55.619438 -2.816243
TD1 1NN 17 0 55.617578 -2.817538