all postcodes in TD1 / GALASHIELS

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 1NQ 28 1 55.618721 -2.816038
TD1 1NU 24 7 55.619426 -2.81267
TD1 1NW 25 0 55.622027 -2.825491
TD1 1NY 7 1 55.619056 -2.812714
TD1 1NZ 12 4 55.619359 -2.813193
TD1 1PA 7 3 55.619719 -2.814487
TD1 1PB 19 5 55.618473 -2.812778
TD1 1PD 1 1 55.621174 -2.81466
TD1 1PF 11 7 55.618714 -2.812882
TD1 1PG 8 1 55.618959 -2.813995
TD1 1PH 5 0 55.619046 -2.813075
TD1 1PJ 19 2 55.619253 -2.814366
TD1 1PL 7 0 55.621261 -2.816472
TD1 1PQ 1 1 55.61848 -2.814334
TD1 1PR 17 11 55.62091 -2.817814
TD1 1PW 27 5 55.621523 -2.81745
TD1 1PX 57 5 55.623129 -2.823291
TD1 1PY 3 3 55.622612 -2.818675
TD1 1PZ 9 1 55.623389 -2.82209
TD1 1QA 12 1 55.622072 -2.82138