all postcodes in TD1 / GALASHIELS

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 1TG 3 1 55.620211 -2.832329
TD1 1TH 2 1 55.629768 -2.845781
TD1 1TJ 9 0 55.624114 -2.919817
TD1 1TL 3 0 55.628388 -2.911896
TD1 1TN 6 0 55.648729 -2.901182
TD1 1TP 1 0 55.659182 -2.954304
TD1 1TQ 12 0 55.628296 -2.840425
TD1 1TR 2 0 55.626219 -2.900033
TD1 1TW 6 0 55.637465 -2.91762
TD1 1TZ 3 1 55.633692 -2.838523
TD1 1UA 1 0 55.630034 -2.846466
TD1 1UB 7 0 55.631051 -2.848855
TD1 1UE 7 0 55.610471 -2.883604
TD1 1UF 10 1 55.622921 -2.884075
TD1 1UG 2 0 55.62418 -2.893933
TD1 1UH 4 0 55.65039 -2.869073
TD1 1UJ 2 0 55.64964 -2.880787
TD1 1UQ 1 0 55.6414 -2.853034
TD1 1WB 1 1 55.617464 -2.80901
TD1 1LQ 0 55.61748 -2.822903