all postcodes in TD1 / GALASHIELS

find any address or company within the TD1 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 1RL 16 0 55.62491 -2.831015
TD1 1RN 4 0 55.624701 -2.829962
TD1 1RP 61 0 55.623689 -2.828147
TD1 1RQ 9 0 55.619192 -2.820732
TD1 1RT 4 4 55.620424 -2.812425
TD1 1RW 36 0 55.624702 -2.831249
TD1 1RY 21 10 55.617107 -2.810114
TD1 1RZ 45 12 55.618057 -2.811693
TD1 1SD 7 4 55.616994 -2.809353
TD1 1SE 17 8 55.61777 -2.810318
TD1 1SN 9 3 55.61919 -2.811713
TD1 1SP 2 2 55.618153 -2.809361
TD1 1SQ 21 9 55.618498 -2.811635
TD1 1SS 2 1 55.618198 -2.810648
TD1 1ST 13 1 55.617805 -2.809191
TD1 1SU 8 0 55.61788 -2.810035
TD1 1SW 21 6 55.6183 -2.810408
TD1 1TA 15 0 55.619947 -2.822097
TD1 1TE 2 0 55.614074 -2.826852
TD1 1TF 2 0 55.615804 -2.826158