all postcodes in TD15 / BERWICK-UPON-TWEED

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD15 1TL 26 0 55.770049 -2.106733
TD15 1TN 9 0 55.776752 -2.133661
TD15 1TP 4 0 55.776457 -2.147768
TD15 1TR 8 0 55.777013 -2.148711
TD15 1TS 38 1 55.777993 -2.148747
TD15 1TT 16 1 55.782993 -2.172427
TD15 1TW 4 0 55.776826 -2.147738
TD15 1UB 10 0 55.781189 -2.02821
TD15 1UD 4 0 55.782509 -2.031161
TD15 1UE 13 0 55.784097 -2.059799
TD15 1UF 33 0 55.792335 -2.10268
TD15 1BT 12 0 55.79345 -2.102172
TD15 1UG 22 0 55.804689 -2.103127
TD15 1UH 66 0 55.796067 -2.118974
TD15 1UJ 8 0 55.794361 -2.12656
TD15 1UL 43 1 55.793414 -2.130624
TD15 1UN 21 16 55.788792 -2.017611
TD15 1UP 6 4 55.788217 -2.013481
TD15 1UR 3 1 55.786788 -2.018567
TD15 1US 16 0 55.79298 -2.104483