all postcodes in TD15 / BERWICK-UPON-TWEED

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD15 1PG 11 0 55.782062 -2.016492
TD15 1PH 2 0 55.782589 -2.016231
TD15 1PJ 4 0 55.776357 -2.010862
TD15 1PL 19 2 55.777957 -2.010815
TD15 1PQ 13 0 55.782817 -2.014978
TD15 1PR 5 3 55.780038 -2.01006
TD15 1PS 32 0 55.780598 -2.009046
TD15 1PT 78 0 55.779305 -2.009237
TD15 1PU 28 0 55.779421 -2.008631
TD15 1PW 21 0 55.778145 -2.011676
TD15 1PX 56 0 55.782117 -2.01037
TD15 1PY 18 0 55.781075 -2.009827
TD15 1PZ 28 0 55.783213 -2.008983
TD15 1QA 43 0 55.783087 -2.008441
TD15 1QB 46 0 55.784013 -2.011598
TD15 1QD 34 0 55.783348 -2.009716
TD15 1QE 42 0 55.782638 -2.010689
TD15 1QF 8 0 55.78253 -2.01088
TD15 1QG 16 0 55.78342 -2.010912
TD15 1QQ 21 5 55.781377 -2.010889