all postcodes in TD15 / BERWICK-UPON-TWEED

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD15 1RY 12 0 55.755054 -1.992119
TD15 1RZ 58 0 55.758109 -1.995066
TD15 1SA 4 0 55.757899 -1.99436
TD15 1SB 33 1 55.75855 -1.99666
TD15 1SE 1 1 55.756788 -1.990318
TD15 1SJ 62 0 55.784776 -2.013209
TD15 1SL 64 0 55.7851 -2.01096
TD15 1SN 69 0 55.785998 -2.011646
TD15 1SP 2 1 55.7855 -2.01459
TD15 1SU 25 0 55.710845 -2.183488
TD15 1SW 45 0 55.786744 -2.012332
TD15 1SX 3 0 55.767828 -2.054721
TD15 1SY 18 1 55.766935 -2.06229
TD15 1SZ 29 2 55.766022 -2.108411
TD15 1TD 14 0 55.768504 -2.133712
TD15 1TE 62 1 55.770639 -2.105835
TD15 1TF 20 0 55.770877 -2.1046
TD15 1TG 3 0 55.76896 -2.10497
TD15 1TH 10 0 55.769517 -2.108214
TD15 1TJ 10 0 55.776667 -2.107493