all postcodes in TD15 / BERWICK-UPON-TWEED

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD15 1QR 4 0 55.759951 -1.998094
TD15 1QS 26 0 55.759825 -1.999464
TD15 1QT 8 0 55.759879 -1.999114
TD15 1QU 1 1 55.758289 -1.9976
TD15 1QX 7 1 55.759598 -1.997387
TD15 1QY 67 4 55.758801 -1.995528
TD15 1RD 55 4 55.756564 -1.992342
TD15 1RE 16 3 55.759897 -1.995767
TD15 1RF 16 2 55.759664 -1.994907
TD15 1RG 11 3 55.758612 -1.993457
TD15 1RJ 17 0 55.758504 -1.991864
TD15 1RL 1 0 55.781623 -2.008472
TD15 1RN 9 1 55.757354 -1.99172
TD15 1RP 50 5 55.755234 -1.989506
TD15 1RQ 9 0 55.758621 -1.993839
TD15 1RR 49 0 55.753805 -1.988567
TD15 1RS 1 1 55.753455 -1.988057
TD15 1RT 5 0 55.752673 -1.987149
TD15 1RW 4 1 55.755761 -1.990154
TD15 1RX 19 1 55.756384 -1.992581