all postcodes in TD8 / JEDBURGH

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD8 6DQ 33 15 55.47934 -2.553556
TD8 6DR 5 1 55.482319 -2.550269
TD8 6DS 12 0 55.482139 -2.550447
TD8 6DT 25 2 55.481438 -2.550447
TD8 6DU 43 14 55.483786 -2.54779
TD8 6DW 5 3 55.480227 -2.551901
TD8 6DX 41 0 55.48173 -2.549407
TD8 6DY 44 0 55.483545 -2.547359
TD8 6DZ 8 0 55.482289 -2.551018
TD8 6EA 7 2 55.486274 -2.545941
TD8 6EB 2 2 55.486876 -2.546082
TD8 6ED 6 5 55.485614 -2.546834
TD8 6EE 12 11 55.486988 -2.545165
TD8 6EH 8 0 55.482786 -2.552206
TD8 6EN 3 2 55.478633 -2.552702
TD8 6EP 3 1 55.478829 -2.552974
TD8 6ER 24 2 55.478105 -2.552251
TD8 6ES 4 0 55.478072 -2.551428
TD8 6ET 12 0 55.477824 -2.550824
TD8 6EU 7 0 55.477996 -2.550563