all postcodes in TD8 / JEDBURGH

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD8 6EW 17 0 55.479065 -2.552471
TD8 6EX 11 0 55.477556 -2.550409
TD8 6EY 52 0 55.477822 -2.549162
TD8 6HA 3 0 55.478851 -2.550158
TD8 6HB 5 0 55.478373 -2.550531
TD8 6HD 4 2 55.478484 -2.550032
TD8 6HE 6 0 55.479903 -2.547973
TD8 6HF 48 0 55.480347 -2.547204
TD8 6HG 27 0 55.482401 -2.545919
TD8 6HH 2 0 55.47965 -2.548561
TD8 6HJ 38 0 55.481079 -2.548274
TD8 6HL 11 0 55.482141 -2.547783
TD8 6HN 24 0 55.482461 -2.546585
TD8 6HP 36 0 55.483355 -2.545695
TD8 6HQ 37 0 55.480739 -2.548001
TD8 6HR 8 0 55.481752 -2.548521
TD8 6HS 25 0 55.482861 -2.547539
TD8 6HT 69 0 55.48032 -2.545273
TD8 6HU 37 0 55.478027 -2.553564
TD8 6HW 4 0 55.482504 -2.547171