all postcodes in TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District

TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 2JL 6 0 55.622586 -2.808988
TD1 2JN 2 0 55.622243 -2.810553
TD1 2JP 10 0 55.624375 -2.818395
TD1 2JQ 24 0 55.623982 -2.818005
TD1 2JR 28 0 55.62393 -2.817702
TD1 2JS 12 0 55.62263 -2.815885
TD1 2JW 52 2 55.623196 -2.814638
TD1 2JY 24 0 55.612271 -2.78128
TD1 2JZ 1 0 55.612654 -2.780366
TD1 2LA 40 0 55.612315 -2.782805
TD1 2LB 16 0 55.612189 -2.784167
TD1 2LD 32 0 55.612402 -2.786013
TD1 2LE 40 0 55.613027 -2.782517
TD1 2LF 39 0 55.612794 -2.785116
TD1 2LG 66 0 55.612956 -2.786564
TD1 2LJ 29 0 55.61266 -2.776525
TD1 2LL 25 0 55.613048 -2.776294
TD1 2LN 33 0 55.612414 -2.775726
TD1 2LP 5 3 55.612313 -2.7732
TD1 2LQ 25 0 55.613799 -2.776928