all postcodes in TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District

TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 2LR 64 0 55.613462 -2.776175
TD1 2LS 27 0 55.613652 -2.773194
TD1 2LT 20 0 55.613263 -2.776457
TD1 2LU 39 0 55.61444 -2.776369
TD1 2LW 45 0 55.612078 -2.776227
TD1 2LY 30 0 55.614222 -2.775412
TD1 2LZ 21 0 55.614645 -2.77812
TD1 2NA 10 0 55.614353 -2.775971
TD1 2NB 4 4 55.612288 -2.779915
TD1 2ND 4 0 55.638722 -2.821398
TD1 2NE 3 1 55.636753 -2.830856
TD1 2NF 2 0 55.652975 -2.865526
TD1 2NG 7 0 55.645908 -2.849589
TD1 2NJ 2 1 55.620661 -2.803728
TD1 2NP 1 0 55.63973 -2.772834
TD1 2NQ 3 0 55.656666 -2.842765
TD1 2NR 1 0 55.633174 -2.767956
TD1 2NS 6 0 55.635171 -2.766232
TD1 2NT 1 1 55.617073 -2.762116
TD1 2NU 2 0 55.613766 -2.764898