all postcodes in TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District

TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 2NX 5 0 55.613674 -2.766845
TD1 2NY 4 0 55.611463 -2.765404
TD1 2NZ 8 0 55.620816 -2.782704
TD1 2PA 6 0 55.648275 -2.771382
TD1 2PB 5 0 55.649898 -2.777627
TD1 2PD 4 0 55.648525 -2.76886
TD1 2PE 8 0 55.651436 -2.757365
TD1 2PF 6 0 55.690332 -2.721865
TD1 2PG 4 0 55.647839 -2.745938
TD1 2PH 2 0 55.649504 -2.701207
TD1 2PJ 3 0 55.656352 -2.710622
TD1 2PL 2 0 55.666435 -2.71321
TD1 2PN 7 0 55.672263 -2.715681
TD1 2PP 4 0 55.681069 -2.718672
TD1 2PQ 1 0 55.648803 -2.717064
TD1 2PR 24 0 55.685105 -2.722913
TD1 2PS 12 0 55.68795 -2.731126
TD1 2PT 8 0 55.674693 -2.742168
TD1 2PU 2 0 55.668833 -2.743778
TD1 2PW 1 0 55.679897 -2.713196