all postcodes in TF8 / TELFORD

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Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF8 7EW 16 1 52.6416 -2.494574
TF8 7EX 1 0 52.638531 -2.497554
TF8 7EY 4 0 52.637645 -2.500898
TF8 7EZ 1 0 52.638388 -2.495217
TF8 7HA 1 1 52.608541 -2.430967
TF8 7HG 1 1 52.627092 -2.474318
TF8 7HH 3 0 52.627515 -2.47138
TF8 7HJ 2 0 52.624459 -2.461967
TF8 7HL 2 0 52.623152 -2.458378
TF8 7HN 2 0 52.623599 -2.454987
TF8 7HP 6 0 52.621663 -2.455113
TF8 7HQ 3 1 52.627051 -2.473416
TF8 7HR 2 0 52.620591 -2.453241
TF8 7HS 4 0 52.619945 -2.452983
TF8 7HT 11 5 52.619329 -2.450335
TF8 7HU 42 0 52.618049 -2.448844
TF8 7HY 22 0 52.61792 -2.447233
TF8 7HZ 11 1 52.616967 -2.442453
TF8 7JA 1 0 52.61591 -2.441512
TF8 7JB 9 0 52.61659 -2.439923