all postcodes in TF8 / TELFORD

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Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF8 7LL 14 0 52.620404 -2.455914
TF8 7LP 7 0 52.621637 -2.458025
TF8 7LQ 8 0 52.621055 -2.457369
TF8 7LR 12 0 52.620658 -2.457023
TF8 7LS 48 23 52.620796 -2.456864
TF8 7LT 11 1 52.619114 -2.457216
TF8 7LU 13 1 52.624558 -2.468911
TF8 7LW 5 0 52.624137 -2.464625
TF8 7LY 1 0 52.624793 -2.471516
TF8 7LZ 16 1 52.625038 -2.468859
TF8 7NA 20 0 52.625566 -2.471746
TF8 7NB 5 0 52.625798 -2.474289
TF8 7ND 11 1 52.623831 -2.464014
TF8 7NH 31 7 52.629851 -2.492343
TF8 7NJ 6 6 52.630154 -2.494354
TF8 7NL 3 0 52.630498 -2.492409
TF8 7NN 7 0 52.631169 -2.492341
TF8 7NP 20 0 52.632987 -2.490517
TF8 7NR 16 1 52.634541 -2.488524
TF8 7NS 24 1 52.63788 -2.489951