all postcodes in TF8 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF8 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF8 7NT 4 0 52.63471 -2.486783
TF8 7NW 7 0 52.631974 -2.492012
TF8 7NX 8 1 52.632489 -2.486268
TF8 7NY 17 0 52.632561 -2.48469
TF8 7PA 5 0 52.631504 -2.478574
TF8 7PB 3 0 52.62943 -2.4765
TF8 7PD 13 2 52.629084 -2.475403
TF8 7PE 7 0 52.628542 -2.4759
TF8 7PF 3 0 52.628536 -2.47522
TF8 7PP 10 1 52.627901 -2.481137
TF8 7PS 2 0 52.627825 -2.479214
TF8 7PU 10 2 52.62826 -2.481333
TF8 7PW 8 0 52.628213 -2.484081
TF8 7PX 7 0 52.628536 -2.484114
TF8 7PY 2 0 52.628774 -2.484661
TF8 7PZ 23 0 52.629425 -2.486635
TF8 7QA 5 0 52.63035 -2.489054
TF8 7QB 11 0 52.630696 -2.488009
TF8 7QD 2 0 52.63137 -2.487216
TF8 7QE 6 0 52.630394 -2.487104