all postcodes in TF8 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF8 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF8 7NE 1 52.633809 -2.480018
TF8 7JE 1 52.611228 -2.430534
TF8 7EJ 0 52.642573 -2.491301
TF8 7LN 0 52.622635 -2.467164
TF8 7EG 8 0 52.631086 -2.497868
TF8 7NF 4 0 52.63016 -2.486302
TF8 7AP 4 52.623139 -2.464006
TF8 7AX 9 0 52.630803 -2.493888
TF8 7BF 5 0 52.62996 -2.484763