all postcodes in TN13 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN13 1QL 0 51.26027 0.193754
TN13 1QN 0 51.260931 0.194976
TN13 1QP 0 51.26106 0.194308
TN13 1QQ 0 51.258988 0.193048
TN13 1QR 0 51.260963 0.193257
TN13 1QS 0 51.254637 0.191996
TN13 1QT 0 51.252436 0.190429
TN13 1QU 0 51.254935 0.19148
TN13 1QX 0 51.256453 0.191581
TN13 1QZ 0 51.252681 0.188908
TN13 1RB 0 51.261865 0.194088
TN13 1RD 1 51.262335 0.193939
TN13 1RG 0 51.258105 0.196031
TN13 1RH 0 51.255479 0.197969
TN13 1RJ 0 51.254899 0.196752
TN13 1RL 0 51.253724 0.195636
TN13 1RN 0 51.253102 0.19476
TN13 1RP 0 51.252656 0.195026
TN13 1RQ 0 51.25649 0.197242
TN13 1RR 0 51.253369 0.19344