all postcodes in TN13 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN13 1JU 0 51.269349 0.192079
TN13 1JW 0 51.269888 0.195431
TN13 1JX 0 51.269494 0.191068
TN13 1JY 1 51.269486 0.192903
TN13 1JZ 0 51.269381 0.189888
TN13 1LA 1 51.269605 0.19278
TN13 1LB 1 51.269854 0.192935
TN13 1LD 5 51.270147 0.192691
TN13 1LE 4 51.270544 0.192609
TN13 1LG 1 51.270381 0.192659
TN13 1LH 5 51.270796 0.192578
TN13 1LJ 4 51.27069 0.192429
TN13 1LL 8 51.270904 0.192125
TN13 1LN 1 51.270812 0.192221
TN13 1LP 11 51.270427 0.193106
TN13 1LQ 1 51.271355 0.194942
TN13 1LR 1 51.270144 0.193322
TN13 1LT 1 51.270856 0.193212
TN13 1LU 4 51.270962 0.192844
TN13 1LW 1 51.271578 0.19597