all postcodes in TN13 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN13 1LX 0 51.27099 0.194724
TN13 1LZ 5 51.270678 0.194551
TN13 1NA 1 51.270453 0.192648
TN13 1NF 0 51.266272 0.1907
TN13 1NG 0 51.266508 0.189608
TN13 1NJ 0 51.265634 0.191143
TN13 1NL 0 51.265523 0.188916
TN13 1NN 0 51.265858 0.189247
TN13 1NP 0 51.274841 0.180656
TN13 1NR 0 51.252519 0.178754
TN13 1NS 0 51.271945 0.181135
TN13 1NT 0 51.269784 0.182753
TN13 1NU 0 51.267699 0.18555
TN13 1NW 0 51.273306 0.181456
TN13 1NX 0 51.266353 0.186375
TN13 1NY 0 51.277031 0.179913
TN13 1PA 0 51.275552 0.181592
TN13 1PB 0 51.267633 0.188629
TN13 1PD 1 51.267047 0.190592
TN13 1PF 1 51.262 0.192131