all postcodes in TN13 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN13 1DE 1 51.277435 0.180477
TN13 1DF 7 51.271586 0.192186
TN13 1DH 11 51.276485 0.183644
TN13 1DJ 3 51.27645 0.185003
TN13 1DL 6 51.277016 0.183612
TN13 1DP 1 51.276953 0.182161
TN13 1DR 0 51.271546 0.187094
TN13 1DS 6 51.271353 0.192118
TN13 1DT 0 51.273105 0.184057
TN13 1DU 3 51.270659 0.189848
TN13 1DY 0 51.259123 0.181502
TN13 1DZ 0 51.274974 0.183658
TN13 1ED 0 51.270005 0.189702
TN13 1EE 0 51.26983 0.188934
TN13 1EF 0 51.269486 0.187627
TN13 1EG 0 51.268556 0.189734
TN13 1EH 1 51.270723 0.188273
TN13 1EJ 0 51.271346 0.188203
TN13 1EL 0 51.27051 0.186242
TN13 1EN 0 51.271837 0.185976