all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 3EJ 15 0 50.835522 0.454723
TN39 3EL 8 0 50.836056 0.457109
TN39 3EN 38 5 50.839993 0.46787
TN39 3EP 30 3 50.839719 0.468935
TN39 3EQ 23 0 50.836524 0.456679
TN39 3ER 50 0 50.839829 0.464992
TN39 3ES 52 1 50.839355 0.464442
TN39 3ET 27 1 50.838556 0.465252
TN39 3EU 46 1 50.83897 0.464805
TN39 3EW 1 1 50.841486 0.464071
TN39 3EX 9 0 50.838845 0.462625
TN39 3EY 2 0 50.838374 0.462799
TN39 3EZ 2 0 50.838291 0.462894
TN39 3GJ 37 0 50.840137 0.453815
TN39 3HA 5 1 50.836785 0.463056
TN39 3HB 10 0 50.83649 0.463213
TN39 3HD 10 0 50.843808 0.457588
TN39 3HE 19 0 50.836941 0.466757
TN39 3HF 28 0 50.836951 0.467539
TN39 3HG 3 0 50.836925 0.466671