all postcodes in TN3 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN30 6JG 1 1 51.06785 0.685157
TN30 6JH 65 0 51.06616 0.684249
TN30 6JL 16 2 51.066581 0.680901
TN30 6JN 10 0 51.06579 0.68204
TN30 6JP 5 0 51.067143 0.680691
TN30 6JR 9 1 51.066433 0.681849
TN30 6JS 27 3 51.06654 0.683054
TN30 6JU 2 0 51.066677 0.684036
TN30 6JW 37 0 51.067158 0.681206
TN30 6JX 10 0 51.066588 0.683699
TN30 6JY 3 0 51.066812 0.684141
TN30 6JZ 5 0 51.066807 0.680843
TN30 6LA 2 0 51.066652 0.684748
TN30 6LB 17 0 51.06699 0.685022
TN30 6LD 3 0 51.066826 0.685483
TN30 6LE 5 0 51.067237 0.686021
TN30 6LF 68 0 51.068367 0.681832
TN30 6LL 38 0 51.071938 0.691618
TN30 6LN 1 1 51.070972 0.690192
TN30 6LP 9 0 51.073016 0.693223