all postcodes in TN3 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN30 6EQ 31 0 51.082567 0.690122
TN30 6ER 2 0 51.084053 0.692682
TN30 6ES 19 2 51.067759 0.68795
TN30 6ET 3 0 51.067944 0.688089
TN30 6EU 5 0 51.067304 0.687766
TN30 6EW 45 0 51.078844 0.690092
TN30 6EX 11 1 51.066302 0.68901
TN30 6EY 39 1 51.066561 0.686867
TN30 6EZ 50 0 51.079066 0.689076
TN30 6HD 19 5 51.068629 0.685688
TN30 6HE 13 4 51.069524 0.685097
TN30 6HN 11 2 51.068567 0.684885
TN30 6HG 1 0 51.071789 0.682045
TN30 6HJ 50 0 51.068922 0.683121
TN30 6HL 6 0 51.068424 0.684434
TN30 6JB 21 6 51.067842 0.684743
TN30 6HP 11 5 51.067584 0.684228
TN30 6HT 52 15 51.067513 0.683382
TN30 6HW 6 0 51.080824 0.695104
TN30 6HX 1 1 51.090673 0.688493