all postcodes in TN3 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN30 6QG 7 0 51.074079 0.689244
TN30 6QH 12 0 51.074563 0.691257
TN30 6QJ 12 0 51.073456 0.689365
TN30 6QL 31 0 51.072422 0.688934
TN30 6QN 5 0 51.071928 0.688505
TN30 6QP 6 0 51.073097 0.690486
TN30 6QQ 54 0 51.074452 0.692178
TN30 6QR 20 0 51.069947 0.688633
TN30 6QS 6 0 51.073685 0.692305
TN30 6QU 17 4 51.070621 0.690614
TN30 6QW 29 0 51.071171 0.68819
TN30 6QX 9 6 51.070126 0.690599
TN30 6RA 4 4 51.067101 0.690656
TN30 6RB 1 1 51.068039 0.690221
TN30 6RD 26 0 51.07061 0.69147
TN30 6RE 20 0 51.069985 0.692062
TN30 6RG 5 0 51.06918 0.692243
TN30 6RH 14 0 51.069963 0.691461
TN30 6RJ 34 1 51.070542 0.693636
TN30 6RL 9 1 51.071162 0.695117