all postcodes in TN8 / EDENBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN8 6DT 18 0 51.204369 0.067293
TN8 6DU 26 0 51.204651 0.066605
TN8 6EB 1 1 51.2056 0.061193
TN8 6ED 15 12 51.205358 0.063229
TN8 6EJ 9 7 51.207076 0.063619
TN8 6EL 18 14 51.206602 0.06397
TN8 6ER 2 1 51.207119 0.064811
TN8 6EW 1 1 51.207494 0.059786
TN8 6EX 1 1 51.20667 0.063259
TN8 6GA 22 0 51.204625 0.059257
TN8 6GB 27 0 51.203537 0.059869
TN8 6HA 1 1 51.206538 0.063597
TN8 6HF 29 28 51.206986 0.059534
TN8 6HG 7 0 51.204072 0.062713
TN8 6HH 1 0 51.203761 0.061969
TN8 6HJ 20 0 51.204373 0.061925
TN8 6HL 7 6 51.206593 0.060994
TN8 6HP 29 0 51.208075 0.059041
TN8 6HQ 19 0 51.206003 0.062239
TN8 6HR 18 0 51.209719 0.060174