all postcodes in TN8 / EDENBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN8 6QL 2 0 51.212982 0.041689
TN8 6QS 2 0 51.217609 0.04092
TN8 6QN 2 0 51.21642 0.041011
TN8 6QP 5 3 51.214046 0.028105
TN8 6QR 1 0 51.219181 0.026127
TN8 6QT 4 0 51.221849 0.047468
TN8 6QU 11 0 51.227656 0.043
TN8 6QX 3 0 51.235211 0.04501
TN8 6RA 11 0 51.233052 0.05583
TN8 6RB 14 0 51.234896 0.063992
TN8 6RD 12 1 51.235628 0.064282
TN8 6RE 26 0 51.235621 0.06315
TN8 6RG 2 0 51.235309 0.060871
TN8 6RH 8 0 51.23796 0.063642
TN8 6RJ 6 0 51.239583 0.063399
TN8 6RL 15 0 51.237104 0.062715
TN8 6RN 1 1 51.221782 0.10349
TN8 6RP 7 3 51.237113 0.066755
TN8 6RQ 2 0 51.237039 0.063727
TN8 6RR 6 0 51.236723 0.064831