all postcodes in TN8 / EDENBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN8 6RS 5 0 51.235338 0.065917
TN8 6RT 7 0 51.234752 0.064974
TN8 6RU 3 0 51.231466 0.067763
TN8 6SA 6 0 51.230916 0.073396
TN8 6SB 7 0 51.227173 0.070994
TN8 6SD 19 0 51.22433 0.080161
TN8 6SE 7 0 51.222106 0.079743
TN8 6SF 4 0 51.223367 0.08324
TN8 6SJ 5 0 51.217147 0.056551
TN8 6SL 23 11 51.216264 0.053664
TN8 6SN 5 0 51.221675 0.057385
TN8 6SP 4 0 51.223142 0.057866
TN8 6SR 24 5 51.227226 0.060237
TN8 6ST 2 0 51.238981 0.064258
TN8 6SU 6 0 51.241242 0.063617
TN8 6SW 4 0 51.223009 0.05723
TN8 6SX 6 0 51.242963 0.066029
TN8 6SY 2 0 51.244117 0.06115
TN8 6SZ 6 0 51.245213 0.058264
TN8 6TA 25 0 51.250098 0.059155