all postcodes in TN8 / EDENBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN8 6PD 5 0 51.21749 0.115051
TN8 6PE 2 0 51.210939 0.119688
TN8 6PG 15 0 51.212636 0.112466
TN8 6PH 11 0 51.216579 0.098124
TN8 6PJ 2 0 51.220326 0.092824
TN8 6PL 25 0 51.225462 0.091856
TN8 6PN 7 0 51.229637 0.090713
TN8 6PS 2 0 51.194574 0.040589
TN8 6PT 12 0 51.192861 0.036721
TN8 6PU 5 1 51.191226 0.028863
TN8 6PW 1 0 51.231296 0.098421
TN8 6PX 4 0 51.191043 0.023447
TN8 6QA 6 1 51.195438 0.027261
TN8 6QB 1 0 51.205643 0.028411
TN8 6QD 14 5 51.205362 0.025392
TN8 6QE 7 1 51.207972 0.025836
TN8 6QF 3 0 51.212173 0.022083
TN8 6QG 7 0 51.216196 0.017748
TN8 6QH 5 2 51.210409 0.027759
TN8 6QJ 10 0 51.210476 0.03697