all postcodes in TR13 / HELSTON

find any address or company within the TR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR13 8US 0 50.100521 -5.275124
TR13 8EE 3 50.100532 -5.275638
TR13 8EF 0 50.100417 -5.274931
TR13 8EH 0 50.100279 -5.276642
TR13 8EL 7 50.100405 -5.276944
TR13 8EQ 6 50.100489 -5.276194
TR13 8ER 13 50.100774 -5.275668
TR13 8ET 1 50.100786 -5.275893
TR13 8EU 2 50.100657 -5.277576
TR13 8EY 0 50.100293 -5.27873
TR13 8EZ 1 50.099652 -5.278445
TR13 8FA 0 50.104254 -5.269686
TR13 8FB 0 50.113526 -5.263756
TR13 8FD 0 50.113845 -5.262645
TR13 8FE 0 50.114325 -5.263167
TR13 8FF 0 50.115093 -5.263373
TR13 8FG 0 50.099345 -5.270246
TR13 8FH 0 50.099126 -5.270679
TR13 8FJ 0 50.099079 -5.271375
TR13 8FL 0 50.113533 -5.261882