all postcodes in TR13 / HELSTON

find any address or company within the TR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR13 0XA 0 50.164438 -5.197042
TR13 0FD 3 0 50.103799 -5.292436
TR13 0FG 8 4 50.114761 -5.267445
TR13 0EW 5 4 50.114167 -5.270054
TR13 0FE 6 0 50.141408 -5.306204
TR13 0FA 0 50.126475 -5.309008
TR13 0EN 0 50.153579 -5.245716
TR13 3AD 1 1 50.100336 -5.275568
TR13 3AN 1 0 50.100336 -5.275568
TR13 3AP 1 50.100336 -5.275568
TR13 3AX 1 50.100336 -5.275568
TR13 8LT 45 0 50.111559 -5.266486
TR13 8AA 12 50.100517 -5.273637
TR13 8AB 14 50.100586 -5.273418
TR13 8AD 2 50.100313 -5.272578
TR13 8AE 0 50.101368 -5.267373
TR13 8AF 0 50.10053 -5.26933
TR13 8AG 3 50.10053 -5.271554
TR13 8AH 0 50.100827 -5.270944
TR13 8AJ 0 50.101451 -5.269872