all postcodes in TR13 / HELSTON

find any address or company within the TR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR13 0AA 18 0 50.135194 -5.306759
TR13 0AB 21 1 50.131126 -5.308084
TR13 0AD 13 1 50.128356 -5.308676
TR13 0AE 11 2 50.119918 -5.305831
TR13 0AF 10 1 50.10954 -5.299367
TR13 0AH 18 1 50.143023 -5.307327
TR13 0AJ 5 0 50.143904 -5.306716
TR13 0AL 13 0 50.144576 -5.305848
TR13 0AN 26 0 50.1429 -5.310044
TR13 0AP 9 2 50.142966 -5.30458
TR13 0AR 6 0 50.139385 -5.306806
TR13 0AS 2 0 50.141388 -5.309114
TR13 0AT 3 0 50.144204 -5.312598
TR13 0AU 4 0 50.142909 -5.31919
TR13 0AW 15 0 50.143382 -5.310176
TR13 0AX 1 0 50.13969 -5.324758
TR13 0AY 1 0 50.13422 -5.319452
TR13 0AZ 6 0 50.139845 -5.325011
TR13 0BA 2 0 50.136822 -5.329095
TR13 0BB 3 0 50.147411 -5.30644