all postcodes in TR13 / HELSTON

find any address or company within the TR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR13 0BD 1 0 50.148184 -5.299181
TR13 0BE 3 0 50.148455 -5.290282
TR13 0BG 4 0 50.152451 -5.301645
TR13 0BH 3 1 50.130935 -5.31539
TR13 0BJ 7 0 50.12973 -5.313809
TR13 0FB 5 0 50.125722 -5.313984
TR13 0BL 6 0 50.151931 -5.298408
TR13 0BN 9 5 50.141987 -5.305152
TR13 0BS 78 0 50.113501 -5.273235
TR13 0BT 10 0 50.11196 -5.274618
TR13 0BU 21 0 50.114594 -5.273077
TR13 0BX 18 0 50.114905 -5.276749
TR13 0BY 11 0 50.116335 -5.278036
TR13 0BZ 27 0 50.117507 -5.280141
TR13 0DA 11 0 50.120128 -5.271775
TR13 0DB 9 0 50.119577 -5.27504
TR13 0DD 4 0 50.124757 -5.273491
TR13 0DE 7 0 50.126991 -5.275948
TR13 0DF 1 0 50.131658 -5.270603
TR13 0DG 5 0 50.125675 -5.282733