all postcodes in TR7 / NEWQUAY

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR7 1BQ 21 2 50.413084 -5.079905
TR7 1BT 12 0 50.413018 -5.08032
TR7 1BU 2 2 50.414346 -5.079759
TR7 1BY 1 1 50.413817 -5.080358
TR7 1BZ 1 1 50.415068 -5.079679
TR7 1DB 1 1 50.414642 -5.078792
TR7 1DD 1 1 50.415113 -5.074571
TR7 1DH 11 10 50.413623 -5.084963
TR7 1DJ 10 8 50.41374 -5.083943
TR7 1DL 13 9 50.413705 -5.082606
TR7 1DN 25 19 50.41413 -5.080786
TR7 1DP 12 3 50.414103 -5.084529
TR7 1DQ 1 1 50.413282 -5.083941
TR7 1DR 21 11 50.413959 -5.085227
TR7 1DS 1 1 50.414659 -5.084932
TR7 1DT 7 6 50.414112 -5.083886
TR7 1DU 5 5 50.414789 -5.083758
TR7 1DX 68 4 50.414679 -5.08078
TR7 1DY 7 0 50.415422 -5.080282
TR7 1DZ 28 4 50.415075 -5.081484