all postcodes in TR7 / NEWQUAY

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR7 1JQ 4 0 50.413095 -5.086576
TR7 1JR 14 3 50.413232 -5.088189
TR7 1JS 5 5 50.413254 -5.087008
TR7 1JT 44 0 50.412302 -5.088974
TR7 1JU 32 0 50.411639 -5.088198
TR7 1JW 15 0 50.413007 -5.091599
TR7 1JX 10 0 50.412151 -5.089949
TR7 1JY 37 0 50.412386 -5.090584
TR7 1JZ 12 0 50.412664 -5.089972
TR7 1LA 41 0 50.414088 -5.08916
TR7 1LB 19 10 50.414147 -5.08866
TR7 1LD 9 1 50.414619 -5.088801
TR7 1LE 52 0 50.415265 -5.089181
TR7 1AW 51 0 50.415067 -5.092251
TR7 1LJ 1 1 50.414916 -5.088468
TR7 1LL 1 1 50.412649 -5.084407
TR7 1LN 19 12 50.414408 -5.0869
TR7 1LP 9 6 50.415166 -5.087175
TR7 1LQ 31 0 50.412915 -5.088281
TR7 1LR 18 0 50.41658 -5.089491