all postcodes in TR7 / NEWQUAY

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR7 1EA 1 0 50.415847 -5.082855
TR7 1EE 9 4 50.414407 -5.079481
TR7 1EN 16 1 50.419406 -5.089098
TR7 1EP 6 5 50.413373 -5.085918
TR7 1ER 15 5 50.413521 -5.086097
TR7 1ES 4 3 50.414334 -5.086012
TR7 1ET 7 7 50.41413 -5.086193
TR7 1EU 4 3 50.4137 -5.086812
TR7 1EW 1 1 50.420335 -5.097114
TR7 1EX 7 5 50.413566 -5.086451
TR7 1EY 33 6 50.41658 -5.088464
TR7 1EZ 23 0 50.416815 -5.088409
TR7 1GD 1 1 50.41351 -5.085505
TR7 1HA 15 1 50.415774 -5.087299
TR7 1HB 11 4 50.414168 -5.086508
TR7 1HD 7 5 50.415316 -5.086931
TR7 1HE 6 1 50.418133 -5.088227
TR7 1HF 1 1 50.417864 -5.088209
TR7 1HG 19 1 50.417388 -5.089913
TR7 1HH 21 3 50.417881 -5.08959