all postcodes in TR7 / NEWQUAY

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR7 1HJ 17 0 50.418425 -5.088443
TR7 1HL 26 3 50.418615 -5.089061
TR7 1HN 27 1 50.419215 -5.093239
TR7 1HP 7 0 50.416278 -5.088641
TR7 1HR 10 3 50.415566 -5.08668
TR7 1HT 5 5 50.416458 -5.087332
TR7 1HS 1 0 50.423016 -5.09743
TR7 1HU 28 0 50.418168 -5.088623
TR7 1HW 4 1 50.418156 -5.090087
TR7 1HY 2 1 50.418866 -5.097201
TR7 1JA 1 1 50.413277 -5.086841
TR7 1JD 10 0 50.412079 -5.088241
TR7 1JE 1 1 50.413673 -5.082756
TR7 1JF 8 7 50.413196 -5.086132
TR7 1JG 37 1 50.412271 -5.088479
TR7 1JH 2 1 50.41323 -5.086602
TR7 1JJ 17 2 50.413481 -5.088614
TR7 1JL 10 2 50.414027 -5.090792
TR7 1JN 21 0 50.413359 -5.091214
TR7 1JP 17 0 50.412973 -5.090158