all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 0BD 0 51.539796 -0.460279
UB10 0BE 1 51.542586 -0.46255
UB10 0BF 0 51.542507 -0.461962
UB10 0BG 0 51.542206 -0.458944
UB10 0BH 0 51.544011 -0.460108
UB10 0BJ 1 51.541558 -0.452044
UB10 0BL 0 51.541735 -0.454604
UB10 0BN 0 51.541521 -0.457452
UB10 0BP 0 51.541017 -0.453302
UB10 0BQ 0 51.545624 -0.460357
UB10 0BS 0 51.541247 -0.455731
UB10 0BT 0 51.541092 -0.457654
UB10 0BU 0 51.540959 -0.459822
UB10 0BW 1 51.541753 -0.460747
UB10 0NF 10 51.535766 -0.459478
UB10 0BY 1 51.534245 -0.449869
UB10 0BZ 0 51.540827 -0.452573
UB10 0DA 0 51.540466 -0.45309
UB10 0DB 1 51.534758 -0.445031
UB10 0DD 0 51.534488 -0.450553