all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 0JJ 0 51.536627 -0.46066
UB10 0JL 0 51.536759 -0.462409
UB10 0JN 0 51.53678 -0.464116
UB10 0JP 0 51.536226 -0.4651
UB10 0JQ 13 51.53542 -0.461206
UB10 0JR 1 51.53758 -0.461378
UB10 0JS 0 51.536088 -0.460707
UB10 0JT 0 51.538733 -0.458801
UB10 0JU 0 51.537687 -0.457856
UB10 0JW 0 51.535876 -0.463728
UB10 0JX 0 51.53919 -0.458007
UB10 0JY 0 51.538217 -0.457117
UB10 0JZ 0 51.537468 -0.456969
UB10 0LA 0 51.537177 -0.458724
UB10 0LB 0 51.535342 -0.455268
UB10 0LD 0 51.535272 -0.454074
UB10 0LE 0 51.534992 -0.455323
UB10 0LF 0 51.534903 -0.456753
UB10 0LG 12 51.533239 -0.453335
UB10 0LH 9 51.530826 -0.448328