all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 0DE 0 51.534848 -0.4492
UB10 0DF 0 51.53204 -0.448301
UB10 0DG 0 51.53345 -0.448181
UB10 0DH 0 51.535229 -0.44737
UB10 0DJ 0 51.535214 -0.451062
UB10 0DL 0 51.535849 -0.450089
UB10 0DN 0 51.535799 -0.448346
UB10 0DP 0 51.537255 -0.451007
UB10 0DQ 0 51.535477 -0.445747
UB10 0DR 0 51.536751 -0.449597
UB10 0DS 0 51.533975 -0.446447
UB10 0DT 0 51.531116 -0.452571
UB10 0DU 0 51.53362 -0.447425
UB10 0DW 0 51.536087 -0.446332
UB10 0DX 0 51.536489 -0.45086
UB10 0DY 0 51.531603 -0.453362
UB10 0DZ 0 51.531755 -0.451958
UB10 0EA 0 51.532383 -0.451115
UB10 0EB 0 51.533361 -0.450966
UB10 0ED 0 51.532444 -0.449628