all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 0LJ 5 51.531379 -0.449318
UB10 0LL 3 51.531895 -0.450266
UB10 0LN 0 51.530412 -0.44765
UB10 0LR 8 51.530077 -0.446767
UB10 0LQ 3 51.53272 -0.451464
UB10 0LS 0 51.535164 -0.457451
UB10 0LU 1 51.529718 -0.44601
UB10 0LX 2 51.529606 -0.445803
UB10 0LZ 7 51.529086 -0.444566
UB10 0NA 1 51.528879 -0.443925
UB10 0NB 0 51.528556 -0.443287
UB10 0ND 0 51.52836 -0.442731
UB10 0NH 2 51.52657 -0.439318
UB10 0NJ 6 51.527186 -0.440863
UB10 0NL 0 51.527365 -0.441491
UB10 0NP 1 51.528222 -0.443861
UB10 0NQ 0 51.52686 -0.438697
UB10 0NS 7 51.528601 -0.444626
UB10 0NU 0 51.528667 -0.444898
UB10 0NW 0 51.528184 -0.443732