all postcodes in UB8 / WEST DRAYTON

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB8 2DN 54 0 51.542163 -0.479768
UB8 2DP 3 0 51.5348 -0.476395
UB8 2DQ 26 0 51.53894 -0.477352
UB8 2DR 21 0 51.531392 -0.476422
UB8 2DS 41 0 51.538457 -0.4762
UB8 2DU 52 0 51.540624 -0.477613
UB8 2DW 25 0 51.536059 -0.476454
UB8 2DX 1 1 51.529797 -0.4824
UB8 2DZ 2 2 51.52863 -0.481727
UB8 2EA 2 0 51.526508 -0.483109
UB8 2EB 8 5 51.530066 -0.48152
UB8 2NT 4 0 51.531457 -0.482129
UB8 2ED 2 0 51.529914 -0.481597
UB8 2EE 2 0 51.529825 -0.4816
UB8 2EF 2 0 51.529762 -0.481602
UB8 2EG 6 0 51.529563 -0.481659
UB8 2EH 2 0 51.529401 -0.481557
UB8 2EJ 2 0 51.529128 -0.481306
UB8 2EL 1 0 51.528376 -0.480963
UB8 2EN 14 8 51.527939 -0.481266