all postcodes in UB8 / WEST DRAYTON

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB8 2HG 15 0 51.52603 -0.483131
UB8 2HH 4 0 51.524939 -0.482202
UB8 2HJ 12 0 51.524179 -0.481895
UB8 2HL 30 7 51.522624 -0.481183
UB8 2HN 11 0 51.520862 -0.479858
UB8 2HP 1 1 51.517656 -0.478134
UB8 2HQ 12 0 51.524813 -0.482926
UB8 2HT 1 1 51.520727 -0.480554
UB8 2HU 4 0 51.52048 -0.480188
UB8 2HW 3 0 51.518221 -0.477323
UB8 2HX 45 0 51.519738 -0.479146
UB8 2HY 3 0 51.5213 -0.481083
UB8 2HZ 14 0 51.52321 -0.48063
UB8 2JB 6 0 51.529373 -0.482841
UB8 2JD 30 0 51.529433 -0.483422
UB8 2JE 5 1 51.529137 -0.48558
UB8 2JG 50 44 51.531104 -0.485277
UB8 2JH 19 2 51.526278 -0.489163
UB8 2JR 12 2 51.519778 -0.484889
UB8 2JS 1 1 51.519968 -0.483073