all postcodes in UB8 / WEST DRAYTON

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB8 2EP 12 5 51.526826 -0.482003
UB8 2EQ 2 1 51.529517 -0.481574
UB8 2ER 2 1 51.525897 -0.482466
UB8 2ES 27 0 51.529286 -0.480442
UB8 2ET 38 0 51.527519 -0.480054
UB8 2EU 40 1 51.528117 -0.479775
UB8 2EX 42 0 51.52468 -0.484473
UB8 2EY 30 0 51.525337 -0.48448
UB8 2EZ 9 0 51.528828 -0.481842
UB8 2FR 7 6 51.535687 -0.487958
UB8 2FX 18 14 51.540051 -0.492897
UB8 2GG 1 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB8 2JP 24 23 51.519903 -0.481383
UB8 2GQ 1 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB8 2GT 1 0 51.538748 -0.487553
UB8 2GU 7 6 51.518257 -0.480074
UB8 2HA 42 0 51.525813 -0.48445
UB8 2HD 28 0 51.524608 -0.487093
UB8 2HE 28 0 51.524441 -0.481267
UB8 2HF 12 0 51.525407 -0.482287