all postcodes in UB8 / WEST DRAYTON

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB8 2JT 12 0 51.520801 -0.481373
UB8 2JU 32 0 51.529118 -0.484787
UB8 2JW 54 0 51.528673 -0.483087
UB8 2JX 2 2 51.534799 -0.490115
UB8 2JY 31 0 51.531194 -0.484041
UB8 2JZ 20 0 51.531552 -0.483236
UB8 2LA 39 0 51.530537 -0.483313
UB8 2LB 15 0 51.530344 -0.48231
UB8 2LD 15 0 51.53016 -0.482677
UB8 2LE 41 0 51.522295 -0.482866
UB8 2LF 35 0 51.523814 -0.484906
UB8 2LG 40 0 51.523144 -0.484539
UB8 2LH 29 0 51.521884 -0.483759
UB8 2LJ 53 0 51.522247 -0.481974
UB8 2LL 47 0 51.522866 -0.482559
UB8 2LN 50 0 51.52408 -0.483254
UB8 2LP 45 0 51.523188 -0.483139
UB8 2LQ 40 0 51.522684 -0.483776
UB8 2LR 5 0 51.538262 -0.481795
UB8 2LT 13 6 51.5431 -0.48128