all postcodes in WF15 / LIVERSEDGE

find any address or company within the WF15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF15 6DQ 0 53.712763 -1.692623
WF15 6DR 0 53.711326 -1.693787
WF15 6DS 0 53.712703 -1.693881
WF15 6DT 0 53.712571 -1.694669
WF15 6DU 0 53.715243 -1.695665
WF15 6DX 0 53.712303 -1.695595
WF15 6DY 0 53.712522 -1.696882
WF15 6DZ 0 53.713246 -1.695361
WF15 6EA 0 53.713805 -1.695676
WF15 6EB 4 53.713949 -1.692508
WF15 6EE 1 53.714474 -1.693913
WF15 6EF 1 53.714121 -1.692976
WF15 6EG 0 53.715755 -1.696513
WF15 6EH 0 53.715363 -1.694334
WF15 6EJ 0 53.715643 -1.693965
WF15 6EL 0 53.715189 -1.692211
WF15 6EN 0 53.714691 -1.690927
WF15 6EP 7 53.714186 -1.690112
WF15 6EQ 0 53.715609 -1.694814
WF15 6ER 1 53.713995 -1.689447