all postcodes in WF15 / LIVERSEDGE

find any address or company within the WF15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF15 6PB 0 53.711087 -1.702637
WF15 6PD 2 53.710871 -1.701575
WF15 6PG 0 53.710471 -1.700581
WF15 6PH 0 53.711184 -1.698091
WF15 6PJ 0 53.710897 -1.697333
WF15 6PL 0 53.710859 -1.697805
WF15 6PN 0 53.710597 -1.697095
WF15 6PP 0 53.71054 -1.698547
WF15 6PQ 0 53.710077 -1.700247
WF15 6PR 10 53.709795 -1.696222
WF15 6PS 5 53.710495 -1.695002
WF15 6PT 0 53.710796 -1.707605
WF15 6PU 0 53.7112 -1.699982
WF15 6PW 0 53.710126 -1.698156
WF15 6PX 0 53.71192 -1.701267
WF15 6QA 2 53.7084 -1.698974
WF15 6QB 0 53.713018 -1.700954
WF15 6QD 0 53.71124 -1.701557
WF15 6QE 0 53.711944 -1.699265
WF15 6QF 0 53.711365 -1.698787