all postcodes in WF15 / LIVERSEDGE

find any address or company within the WF15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF15 6JX 5 53.709741 -1.691857
WF15 6JY 7 53.710909 -1.691545
WF15 6LB 0 53.710838 -1.692152
WF15 6LD 0 53.710589 -1.692926
WF15 6LE 0 53.710398 -1.692306
WF15 6LF 3 53.710005 -1.69293
WF15 6LG 0 53.710662 -1.693471
WF15 6LH 0 53.711031 -1.693802
WF15 6LJ 0 53.711621 -1.69674
WF15 6LL 0 53.712869 -1.69894
WF15 6LP 2 53.716522 -1.697065
WF15 6LQ 0 53.710921 -1.692772
WF15 6LR 1 53.717213 -1.697245
WF15 6LS 0 53.716068 -1.695008
WF15 6LT 0 53.716232 -1.696113
WF15 6LU 0 53.716878 -1.695532
WF15 6LW 2 53.716785 -1.69893
WF15 6LX 0 53.716414 -1.69416
WF15 6LY 0 53.715869 -1.6946
WF15 6NA 0 53.711065 -1.711058