all postcodes in WN8 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN8 6AZ 1 1 53.549053 -2.759802
WN8 6BB 37 0 53.544503 -2.755797
WN8 6BE 56 0 53.544954 -2.749814
WN8 6BF 76 0 53.544653 -2.749175
WN8 6BG 12 0 53.544728 -2.754322
WN8 6BH 2 0 53.543346 -2.75226
WN8 6BJ 10 0 53.544252 -2.752895
WN8 6BL 7 0 53.543891 -2.754473
WN8 6BN 17 0 53.544224 -2.750178
WN8 6BP 43 0 53.545098 -2.765376
WN8 6BQ 4 0 53.544548 -2.750108
WN8 6BS 57 1 53.545172 -2.763626
WN8 6BT 50 1 53.546843 -2.765302
WN8 6BU 15 0 53.547686 -2.765453
WN8 6BW 13 0 53.545308 -2.75065
WN8 6BX 28 0 53.547209 -2.764282
WN8 6BY 60 0 53.546529 -2.763726
WN8 6BZ 25 0 53.547742 -2.763793
WN8 6DA 42 0 53.547292 -2.762548
WN8 6DB 36 0 53.546656 -2.762129